Key Workers | Garden Marathon | Happy Easter

With many of our usual festive activities not possible this Easter, The Weekly has put together a list of potential alternatives. Some are more plausible than others!
‘Lockdown’ is being endured around the world, with recent worries that isolation may prevent the Easter Bunny from delivering any chocolatey treats at all! However, to the relief of children (and adults!) it was confirmed last week by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, that the Easter Bunny is in fact an essential worker and will still be making annual trips to households, albeit with perhaps less eggs than usual. And when you inevitably eat too much chocolate, Ms Ardern confirmed that the tooth fairy also meets the key worker criteria! 

In a non COVID-19 world, some members of the family may have been expecting to be enjoying an afternoon of live sport. Chelsea vs Watford and Liverpool vs Aston Villa should have been this afternoon’s scheduled games. If, like The Weekly, you are worried about not getting your sports fix, look no further. Today Sky Sports are airing the uninterrupted 2019 ICC Cricket World Cup Final, where you will be able to relive Ben Stokes’s heroics. But if you can’t sit still for the full 720 minutes(!), how about trying out a newly invented makeshift ‘isolation sport’ instead? Anyone for Window Tennis or Dog Yoga?!? 

Just because we won’t be able to share our meals and Easter egg hunts, doesn’t mean we can’t keep in contact with our loved ones. The Weekly will be utilising technology to check-in with family and friends today, so long as the instructions of how to use it are made clear enough to the grandparents! And if that isn’t possible, how about joining the 28,000 others (so far) by ‘Adopting a Grandparent’ for the lockdown period?
This afternoon may have typically seen families burning off some unwanted calories with a brisk afternoon walk. Whilst there will be no country walks for most of us this afternoon, how about a garden marathon? Last week saw former Scottish javelin record thrower James Campbell complete a full marathon in his back garden in Cheltenham. The slightly mad ex-athlete completed the marathon in five hours and five minutes, despite his garden only being 6 metres long! By The Weekly’s calculations, James completed over 7,000 lengths of his garden, admirably raising £26,000 for the NHS in the process.

Of course, if the above suggestion sounds a little taxing and doesn’t tickle your fancy over Easter (The Weekly doesn’t blame you!), there is of course nothing stopping you attempting the world record of devouring more than six Cadbury Creme eggs in one minute, set by Canadian, Pete Czerwinski in April 2014. Arrrh! The sheer thought of it!!

The Weekly will be back in its usual format next week but for now wishes you and your families a safe and enjoyable Easter.