Moving Dates | Rent Bets | Erratic Behaviour

Given it is early on a Sunday morning, The Weekly thought it was important to start off with two quick reminders.  Firstly, the UK clocks have changed (meaning we've lost an hour) and, secondly, it's Mothering Sunday.  If you've forgotten both of these crucial events then you have an hour less than you thought to buy a card and some emergency flowers, or simply beg motherly forgiveness!  You could, of course, take the Brexit approach and just arbitrarily move the date.  For instance, why not have Mothering Sunday on 16 June, which just so happens to be Father's Day, and kill two birds with one stone?! Brexit day (Friday 29 March), of course, came and went without the UK leaving the EU.  Theresa May firstly negotiated a delay to 22 May, but following events on Friday when her deal was voted down for a third and final (?) time, the "legal default" for Brexit is now 12 April.  Determining what the real date for the UK's exit is now anyone's guess. 

In a move that neatly encapsulates the difficulties faced on the UK's High Streets, William Hill recently wrote to all their landlords requesting up to a 50% rent reduction. The move is drastic and, many would say, optimistic.  To be fair William Hill are facing a unique set of business challenges with new regulations coming into force in April that reduce the maximum stake allowed on fixed-odds betting terminals which will directly impact store revenues. However, approaching landlords for an arbitrary cut in rent on all their stores is unlikely to garner much traction. The question is what will William Hill do if landlords refuse to renegotiate the rent?  Is a CVA inevitable? And from a landlord stand-point, what are the chances of re-letting their individual stores? The Weekly isn't about to place a bet on it (pun firmly intended), but the odds are that most landlords will prefer to file the letter and sit tight rather than countenance such a drastic rental haircut.

Given the frenetic events in Westminster over the last few days, The Weekly went in search of some light relief and stumbled upon the story of man caught drink-driving.  An odd choice you might think, until you understand the circumstances.  The driver in question tried to disguise his drinking from the South Carolina police by spraying deodorant into his mouth as an improvised breath-freshener before speaking to officers. Unfortunately for Mr Mencia-Ramirez, his unconventional plan wasn’t entirely successful as officers found him at the wheel with an open can of beer between his legs and nine empty cans on the floor!  In the catalogue of desperate measures, Mr Ramirez's vain attempt to hide his misdemeanors was only outdone by a Florida man also pulled over for driving erratically.  He reportedly told police officers that his dog was driving the car. Police noticed a strong smell of alcohol on the man’s breath, and noted that there wasn’t actually a dog in the car. Talk about having an absolute howler....!