In a week when Boris reshuffled his cabinet, Apple launched iPhone 13, Strictly Come Dancing 2021 started, Raducanu-mania took hold and UK inflation jumped to 3.2% in August (its biggest increase on record), The Weekly has again done its upmost to condense the news from the last seven days into five short quiz questions to brighten your Sunday morning. Good luck!
1. When it comes to football rivalries, Chelsea and Tottenham is pretty big. The current Champions of Europe versus the recent winners of a RIBA architectural award for their spanking new stadium. This afternoon’s match, however, sees the two rivals join forces for a game which is set to become the first-ever major carbon-neutral football match…otherwise known as “game zero”. So, what exactly are the clubs doing to make this game ‘carbon-neutral'? To start with, the fans are being encouraged to use public transport, cycle and walk to the game where possible and will be asked to choose a plant-based food option and recycle their waste. Both teams will travel to the game on biofuel coaches to reduce emissions, whilst renewable energy will be used to power any electronics in the stadium where possible. Many of these initiatives aren't entirely new to Tottenham who earlier this year earned the title of the Premier League's Greenest Club. However, which English team became the world's first carbon-neutral club back in 2018?
2. On Wednesday morning, The Weekly joined the IPF UK Consensus Forecasts Summer Survey Results Webinar. The session certainly made for an interesting listen, as the key findings were shared from the third quarterly survey of 2021 which was undertaken between late May and mid-August from twenty-three organisations. And the key findings? Firstly, that the property industry probably needs to up its game when it comes to forecasting and, rather more seriously, that sentiment in the property market has improved markedly over the last few months. For example, forecast 2021 total returns improved in all sectors over the quarter, ranging between 16.4% for Industrials to -9.5% for Shopping Centres (formerly 12.7% and -9.8%). The All Property average forecast for 2021 is now 6.9% (from 4.4% in May). Given that last week, CBRE published an 8.50% total return for All UK Commercial Property for the year to date, it’s safe to assume that November’s Consensus Forecasts will again show material changes. Inevitably there was a wide spread of forecasts offered. What was the strongest All Property total return forecast for 2021?
3. Students are returning to university this month, with a record number of UK 18-year-olds (272,500) having accepted a place according to UCAS. However, a sharp fall in EU students coming to the UK means overall university numbers are slightly down this year. Despite this, many of the top universities are scrambling to find enough accommodation for their students. Some students are being offered shared rooms and, in some cases, students are being housed in different cities! For instance, The University of Bristol has had to place 100 students in Bath (14 miles away). Also this week it was announced that The University of York will have to temporarily place a similar number of students in which ‘nearby’ city?
4. The 2022 edition of the Guinness World Records book was released on Thursday and once again it features a host of new record-breakers from all around the world. A dog with the longest ears (each measuring 13.38 inches), the world’s tallest living male teenager (7 ft 5 inches) and a man who can walk on his hands faster than anyone else (completing 20 metres in just 4.78 seconds) have all made it into this year's edition. The 28-year-old gymnast, Bethany Lodge, also became the record-holder for the fastest 100m doing forward rolls. How long did it take Bethany to complete this feat?
5. Getting a ping on your phone or constant unwanted messages on your laptop from a company you don't want to hear from is extremely common, frustrating and intrusive. Thankfully, action is being taken. Since the financial year started in April, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has issued 17 fines totalling over £1.7million for breaking direct marketing laws. And this week, Sports Direct, WeBuyAnyCar and Saga were fined a collective £450,000 for failing to obtain permission from the people to whom they sent marketing emails or texts. How many nuisance texts and emails were they collectively guilty of sending?
Photo: True. Wildlife veterinarian Robin Radcliffe and team found that it is safest to airlift the animals upside down and their research won the Transportation Prize this year.
1. Forest Green Rovers.
2. 12.50%.
3. Hull...a cool 38 miles away!
4. 42.64 seconds.
5. 354 million nuisance texts and emails. Wow!